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Yearly 10% Discount
Blandit volutpat maecenas volutpat blandit aliquam etiam erat velit. Et tortor at risus viverra adipiscing. Pharetra diam sit amet nisl suscipit adipiscing.
Yearly 10% Discount
29$/MONTH / Device
Personal Plan
  • Apple Vision Pro like gesture set
  • Works with common webcam
  • Available in Android, Windows 10 & 11, and Linux
  • No code integration
  • Support 6 customizable gestures
  • Intent Detection
  • Gloved hand support
  • For personal or home use only
299$/MONTH / Device
Commercial Plan
  • Apple Vision Pro like gesture set
  • Works with common webcam
  • Available in Android, Windows 10 & 11, and Linux
  • No code integration
  • Support 6 customizable gestures
  • Intent Detection
  • Gloved hand support
  • For personal or home use only
FreeContact Us for Pricing
Marketer Plan
  • Everything in Commercial Plan
  • Usage Report
  • User Traffic Count
  • User Demographics Report
  • Heatmap
  • GDPR Compliance
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FreeContact us for pricing
Enterprise Plan
  • Everything in Commercial Plan
  • Customizable Support Plan
  • Service Level Agreement
  • GDPR Compliance
  • Customizable Analytics & Reporting
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Purchase Plan
  • Think smarter with AI.
  • The future is now with.
  • Making life easier.
  • Innovating the world with.
  • The power to transform.
  • Experience the power.
Purchase Plan
  • Think smarter with AI.
  • The future is now with.
  • Making life easier.
  • Innovating the world with.
  • The power to transform.
  • Experience the power.
Purchase Plan
  • Think smarter with AI.
  • The future is now with.
  • Making life easier.
  • Innovating the world with.
  • The power to transform.
  • Experience the power.
Purchase Plan
  • Think smarter with AI.
  • The future is now with.
  • Making life easier.
  • Innovating the world with.
  • The power to transform.
  • Experience the power.
299$/ANNUAL/ Device
Personal Plan
  • Apple Vision Pro like gesture set
  • Works with common webcam
  • Available in Android, Windows 10 & 11, and Linux
  • No code integration
  • Support 6 customizable gestures
  • Intent Detection
  • Gloved hand support
  • For personal or home use only
2999$/ANNUAL/ Device
Commercial Plan
  • Apple Vision Pro like gesture set
  • Works with common webcam
  • Available in Android, Windows 10 & 11, and Linux
  • No code integration
  • Support 6 customizable gestures
  • Intent Detection
  • Gloved hand support
  • For personal or home use only
FreeContact Us for Pricing
Marketer Plan
  • Everything in Commercial Plan
  • Usage Report
  • User Traffic Count
  • User Demographics Report
  • Heatmap
  • GDPR Compliance
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Contact Us

FreeContact us for pricing
Enterprise Plan
  • Everything in Commercial Plan
  • Customizable Support Plan
  • Service Level Agreement
  • GDPR Compliance
  • Customizable Analytics & Reporting
Book Meeting With Us

Contact Us

Purchase Plan
  • Think smarter with AI.
  • The future is now with.
  • Making life easier.
  • Innovating the world with.
  • The power to transform.
  • Experience the power.
Purchase Plan
  • Think smarter with AI.
  • The future is now with.
  • Making life easier.
  • Innovating the world with.
  • The power to transform.
  • Experience the power.

Artificial Intelligence For Top-Class Businesses

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AIProblem-SolvingSmart Designs.

Tristique et egestas quis ipsum suspendisse. Sem fringilla ut morbi tincidunt augue interdum velit euismod in. Aliquam id diam maecenas ultricies mi eget mauris pharetra.
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